I worked as the art director for the Star Trek : The Starfleet Academy travelling exhibition. The exhibition immersed visitors in the role of candidates in the Starfleet Academy. This was done by dividing the space into each branch of Starfleet, and ending with a Kobayashi-Maru test. A series of activities in each area tested the visitor's proficiency in each field, all recorded on an RFID bracelet. The result was then revealed at the end of the exhibit.
As an art director, I dove deep into all things Star Trek, developed the initial concept and many of the activities, designed the style guide for the show and worked with multiple international partners, including CBS, a collector of Star Trek memorabilia, merchandise manufacturers and exhibition designers (A lot of 4:30am meetings were planned to accomodate all our time zones!).
The show was highly succcessful and has travelled in the United States and Canada. An article on the exhibition can be found here.
Several pages of a kid’s work booklet I designed and wrote for the Star Trek exhibition. The booklet was not only supposed to work with Star Trek’s aesthetic but also be educational.